Waiting for Emulator to start

Am trying to get a basic Mobile App working but only seeing Waiting for Emulator to start message. All that happens is my fan speed adjusts to high and nothing occurs. Any suggestions? Latest Android SDK, Node, and Cordova all installed.

Thanks in advance!

Do you get a flash of a terminal popup that closes directly and you are on Windows?

The Android Emulator requires on Windows that you turn off Hyper-V

I know this is stupid but this is currently how the emulator works on Windows … there is other Android emulator from Microsoft that works with hyper-v but it isn’t very stable

No problems about this on the Mac btw - there everything runs super smooth both Android and iOS

Sorry George I did not see your reply. I uninstalled everything aside from Wappler. Re-installed fresh installs of Android Studio, Cordova and Node. I then installed new virtual devices for the Google Pixel 3 and a newer Nexus virtual device, and the HAXM driver. This has got the Emulator functioning. My issue now is certificates and signing of the App (Android 8 apparently requires this), so am looking and reading through lots of threads on Stack about this side of development, learning new things. Thanks for the reply though. I’ll check that out also but currently I do not think that was the issue (but then who knows lol).

yes those installation requirements for Android change so quickly, it is difficult to keep up.

So make sure you take notes of all the steps - we could use a nice step by step guide, as you indicated.

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@Dave, did you get your app up and running on Android? I’m going round in circles trying to get it to work and it seems to be the lack of certificate which is the issue:

Error executing "adb -s emulator-5584 install -r "/Users/jon/Wappler Projects/ACA-Mobile/platforms/android/app/build/outputs/apk/release/app-release-unsigned.apk"": adb: failed to install /Users/jon/Wappler Projects/ACA-Mobile/platforms/android/app/build/outputs/apk/release/app-release-unsigned.apk: Failure [INSTALL_PARSE_FAILED_NO_CERTIFICATES: Package /data/app/vmdl1650817618.tmp/base.apk has no certificates at entry AndroidManifest.xml]

Error emulating your Cordova Project for android!

Any help or pointers you can give would be very much appreciated. I’ve finally got the iOS version running.

yes i have the same problem. I connected it to my own phone since I could not test with emulator.

Yes we have successfully deployed to Android. Until you can obtain a certificate you could try running this command in the console and see if it compiles your application:

cordova run android --pro

This will compile without the certificate for now, but for deployment to anything after Android 8 I believe the certificate become a requirement otherwise you’ll need to play around with security settings in Android itself…

Maybe it will work for someone. It was very practical for me. Can a similar feature be added to the wappler, @George?

apk signer and aligner tool …
APK-SIGNER-TOOL.zip (728.9 KB)

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Whoa! Can’t believe it was just that! Toggled the bug icon and it’s now working in Android.


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