Visually self aligning image for BS4

Please consider to add visual option for self align image classes on image properties:

mx-auto d-block

You can already set the images’ (as well as any other element’s) margins, using the margins controls in app structure panel.
Not sure how well you are familiar with Bootstrap 4, but unlike v3 it’s not based on floats but uses CSS flexbox. Floats are not a good idea, you should be using the flexbox controls to align your content.
For any styling outside of what’s available in the Bootstrap 4 framework, use the design panel and create a custom CSS class for your element.

Hi @Teodor I’m aware of that.

The classes I mention were of BS4’s and used to self align image.

I think mx-auto produces the same outcome as ml-auto mr-auto.

I tried to self center an image inside modal using Flex Item properties but it doesn’t work. Adding classes: mx-auto d-block does.