Video Tutorial: Deploying remotely with Wappler's docker engine integration

After Wapploku project comes Wapplastic.

With Wapploku project I was trying to show how to deploy in less than 10 minutes using free services.

Wapplastic project however is a bit more detailed and reaches the mark of 30 minutes.

So go and check this video out if you want to learn how to deploy remotely with Wappler using docker.

There are several pieces of the video(specifically those after the fade to black) that have lost about 1 second of recording. It looks weird but nothing important was said in that second :slight_smile:

What services did I use?

Jelastic: PaaS
Mirhosting: Hosting provider
Cloudflare: DNS Management
Freenom: Free domain


If you want to use the script to create easily the certificates make sure you check this gist.


Appreciate the time and effort that went in to your tutorial Jon! Thanks.

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This might become even easier with the upcoming Docker Machines integration within Wappler.

So you will be able to fully create full provisioned remove docker machines (usually as vps/droplets/servers) with a single click! You will be able to choose from the most common and cost effective hosting providers.


Jon, thank you, thank you! Your video has removed all of the mystique surrounding the deployment of a Docker environment. Very much appreciated. I particularly loved the last few moments of the video where you connected Wappler to the remote and the ease with which you published the site.



I am very glad it was helpful.

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Had a small problem with the daemon.json config as it made docker unable to boot.

Running a home docker for staging on ubuntu 18.04, these steps worked for me :

  • create : etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/startup_options.conf
  • add the following (replace “Your port” with your port :slight_smile: )
# /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/override.conf
ExecStart=/usr/bin/dockerd -H fd:// -H tcp://"Your port" --containerd=/run/containerd/containerd.sock
  • sudo systemctl daemon-reload
  • sudo systemctl restart docker.service

The same port of course has to be routed from your modem to the server and firewall rules added.

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