Validator for CPF and CNPJ (brazilian tax numbers)

Custom extension to validate CNPJ and CPF (brazilian tax numbers).


    type: 'check_doc',
    module : 'check_doc',
    action : 'check',
    groupTitle : 'Validator',
    groupIcon : 'fas fa-check comp-data',
    title : 'CheckDoc @@var(name)@@',
    icon : 'fas fa-check comp-data',
    dataPickObject: true,
    usedModules: {
      node: {
        "cpf-cnpj-validator": "^1.0.3"
    properties : [
        group: 'Check document',
        variables: [
          { name: 'name', optionName: 'name', title: 'Name', type: 'text', required: true, defaultValue: 'query', help: 'This will be the name for the output key and the tag used in the expression builder'},
          { name: 'doc_type', optionName: 'doc_type', title: 'Document type', required: true, 
            type: 'droplist', 
            values: [
              {title: 'CPF', value: 'cpf' },
              {title: 'CNPJ', value: 'cnpj' },
              {title: 'Any', value: 'any' }
            ], defaultValue: 'any',
            help: 'Choose the document type to validate.'
          { name: 'document', optionName: 'document', title: 'Document number', type: 'text', serverDataBindings: true, required: true, defaultValue: '', help: 'Document number to validate, with or without dots (999.999.999-99, 99.999.999/0001-99).'}    
        group: 'Output',
        variables: [
          { name: 'output', optionName: 'output', title: 'Output', initValue: true, defaultValue: false, type: 'boolean'}


const { cpf, cnpj } = require('cpf-cnpj-validator');
exports.check = async function (options) {
  const type = this.parse(options.doc_type);
  const document = this.parse(options.document);
  switch (type) {
    case 'cnpj':
      return cnpj.isValid(document);
    case 'cpf':
      return cpf.isValid(document);
      return cpf.isValid(document) || cnpj.isValid(document);

PS: Is there a way to give the same threatment as out-of-box Validate action? If “false”, throw an error that is “catched” by the fronted, highlighting and displaying the error in the corresponding field?


This may not be relevant, but in case you missed it - you can use regex expressions with Wappler’s validator. Eg you could use the expressions here without needing to create a custom extension.

Regex can only check the format. This custom extension calculates the checksum digits using the library cpf-cnpj-validator.

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