Using Xampp, with php scoop installed

Continuing the discussion from PROBLEM: Scoop is blocking my XAMPP:

Thanks to @famousmag for the previous topic, as it saved me :slight_smile:

First I need to clarify that I don't want to use both own server and Wappler local server at the same time, or change the project, nothing like that.

I have a problem where I can't start Xampp if Php is installed on Scoop.
(Not running, just installed)


The workaround:

scoop uninstall php
run Xampp
scoop install php

Then all works, but I need to do that everyday.

Have projects on Wappler local server, and have old projects on Own server

Anybody knows how both can coexist in windows?

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If you want to be a detective you can use this program:

You can see exactly what XAMPP attempts to run, maybe it attempts to run PHP from scoop instead of XAMPP because it just uses whatever is on %PATH%


Nice one @Apple will check it out later, thanks!