Using the Resource Manger to manage local and cloud sites and databases (in preparation for CouchDB in Wappler6)

This series summarising the many new features added via the Resource manager in relation to cloud providers and share DB platforms.

With the long anticipated release of CouchDB/ PouchDB I thought it a good time to demonstrate how to use the resource manager to deploy sites and standalone shared databases. While i have not yet seen how Couch/Pouch will work in detail I am assured that the deployment of Couch will be via the Resource manager so definitely time for a catchup/ roundup in anticipation.

In this series we look at the basic docker local setup, docker deployment to a D.O. droplet, creation of a standalone shared database within Wappler and lastly the creating of a dedicated cloud based shared database.

I am hoping that this will form an introduction to the deployment of couch DB databases and linking to PouchDB.