Using Relative Path Throws an Error

I installed Wappler 4 months ago without local Apache Server and PHP.

Yesterday I just installed Apache and PHP.

Now I am getting some errors related to relative paths

I just created a new project from scratch in order to debug step by step what is happening

My project has this settings:

Test Connection tu server and success


I only add a section to the body and debug it

I’m getting this error:

For some reason Wappler is not correct routing folders within my project

Head section is:

It is not considering relative path,

If I’m not wrong it should search

file:///C:/Apache24/htdocs//WapplerDevs/MedicertRegistro/dmxAppConnect/dmxAppConnect.js or just /dmxAppConnect/dmxAppConnect.js
instead of


After some hours struggling with this I was able to make my contact form display without erros

Posting the solution, so If somebody else has the same problem in the future I hope this will help

Solution was to disable Auto Add Base Option. My Project Settings looks like this

Now I will open a case regarding CORS Policy on FormToEmail action: Form To Email CORS Policy Trouble
