Using Proprietary Design Systems

I’m investigating whether or not Wappler will work for my team and I was unable to find the answer to one important question in the documentation or by poking around in the app: Is it possible to add custom Extensions?

We have an internal design system that uses Web Components and I want designers to be able to insert instances of the web components via the elements modal. Essentially the same as <dmx-*> elements are added from the design view.

I have included the JS and CSS necessary from the code view and I am able to manually add one of our web components from here. However, I have been unable to figure out if Wappler allows me to add and, more importantly, use its Properties Panel to edit the component once it’s on the page.

Is this possible?

Currently the extensions within Wappler are exclusively the one build by Wappler itself.

We haven’t opened the extensions API for external usage yet as we want to enforce strick quality control and avoid overcrowded extensions/plugins market places with low quality extensions.

Design systems are different however and you don’t need full extensions building to achieve it.

All the current built-in extensions can be styled nicely with CSS and design frameworks are based Bootstrap 4 for web or Framework7 for mobile.

So you can fully add your own design system based on CSS styling.

Our system is not based on Bootstrap, so creating a Bootstrap theme would be extra work. We also cannot make these publicly available, so our need is for the ability to add extensions for our use only. Sounds like this is not the use case that Wappler is targeting.

What is your system based on? We do lan to add more design frameworks support.

The web components use lit-element to simplify setup of web components, but the styles and general HTML structure are entirely proprietary.

Our components are based around App Connect - our reactive data binding framework integrated with Wappler.

It is even lighter than lit and allows great degree of customization and rich, declarative two way databinding.

There arr many requests for design system alike global styling and custom reusable user layouts and component library. we plan to implement that in the near future as a design system designer and styler

Maybe you can share your requirements so we can take them in consideration as well.