Using Formatters in WHERE in Server Action

I have been using formatters inside the where bindings since forever on client side.
For eg:`prop1.lowercase()`, 'hello', '==')

But when I tried using the same in a Server Action right now, it just fails. The prop1 value becomes null.
Is this not supported on SA or am I missing something?

What expression are you using there?
Also in what step are you trying to use the where expression?

Here’s a simple example of using the where formatter on the serverside:

I am using an expression in the where formatter itself.
So it would look something like:
query.where('city.lowercase()', '==', 'berlin')
But it does not work.

Server Connect doesn’t support expressions in the where formatter, so the city.lowercase() is seen as a normal string and used as column name which probably doesn’t match any column in your data.

Damn. Would have saved me an hour if it was supported.
Have a temporary fix in place (does not work very well), but would be great if this could be added to server side.