Using Font Awesome 5 Pro

If you purchased a license for Font Awesome 5 Pro, there are two ways of using it.

Font Awesome 5 Pro from CDN

First you need to authorize your domain to use the purchased Pro license. You can do this on Font Awesome site:

Then open the frameworks menu and select Font Awesome:

And select Font Awesome 5 Pro CDN:

And you are done, now you can see all the icons available for Pro version:

Font Awesome 5 Pro Local

If you want to use Font Awesome 5 Pro local (and not from CDN) you need to download the zip file containing the font to your computer.

Then open the frameworks menu and select Font Awesome:

And select Font Awesome 5 Pro Local:

A dialog asking you if you want to install the local version, using the zip file appears, select Install:

Browse to your Font Awesome 5 Pro zip file and select it:

As soon as it is installed successfully you will see a notification:

You only need to do this once, now Font Awesome 5 Pro local will be available for all your projects.
You can start using it now!

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Thank you @George! :+1:


You mean all I have to do is use my FA5 Pro zip file and install it only once and have access to FA5 Pro in all my projects? How did I not know this until now!?


I just bought Pro - I always thought it went beyond icons, but then maybe I have undervalued icons. FYI: The price goes up after April it says.

Don’t know how I missed this, good thing for the auto bumps. This is great. Best thing today so far…

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