Using App Connect with JavaScript Functions

The problem is that I need to render the translation immediately or the user will see no text. Also even though somehow related it’s not the same situation as I’m not waiting data from the server. It’s all on the client side.

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Easier than I thought. As the expression is already enclosed you just need to reference the var value

{{ "key".t({ what: name.value, count: count.value }) }}

No need to parse the variable.


I’m a bit confused… how can I set the value of my dmx variable from javascript function.

This is not working for me.

function scrollpos() {
var y = $('#transactions').scrollTop();'transactionscroll', y);


Also I have jQuery installed, it’s working fine for other functions.

Oops nevermind I got it now

dmx.parse('transactionscroll.setValue(' + y + ')')

6 posts were split to a new topic: Using app connect values in js functions