Using a query as a condition for an update query

forgive me buddy but still can't understand exactly what you want to archieve...
All I can do is just pointing things that looks wrong to me

Here is one from your last post:
You search if provider_outcode exists IN {{final_oc_array}}
I CAN'T find any final_oc_array in your api steps, maybe you want final_prov_array

Since you referred to my post, i would recommend to read the steps explaining that I have given:

But for your use case, it would be nice (at least for me) to know what exactly you have and what you want to achieve...
I see you create a few arrays, have a repeat step that you add ALL in provider_array in every repeat loop... Is that correct?

Can you just give us:

  • the 2 APIs data schema
  • the desired output that final_prov_array should have and on which condition