I am curious how long should it take a new user to get a very basic registration system up and running?
Talking no designing, just bare bootstrap elements.
Registration Page with or without email verification
Login Page with remember me & captcha
Password Reset Page
User Profile Page
I am asking because I seem to get stuck over and over again I creating something that I feel should be basic and end up going back to wordpress w/ crocoblock as I have the basic stuff done for me out of the box. Yes I know it overkill but I just can’t seem to get over this hump.
It’s not just the design of the pages that is required for registration, login and password reset.
The actual functionality is on the server side. Which leads to many unknowns such as - what database are you using, what server model, what is your table structure, what are your column names, what is the encryption method you are using for the passwords?