Use a Javascript Object in Server Connect

I’ve been going around and around with this for hours and can’t seem to get it. I have a JavaScript function that produces a multidimentional object. I then convert it to JSON with JSON.stringify and pass it to my server connect with dmx.parse. I can’t for the life of me figure out how to access it properly in the server connect. I’ve done a simplified version below of the function.

Is this the right way to pass the JSON? And how do I access this on the server side? I’ve tried everything I can think of to no avail.

The stringified json looks like this…


Thanks in advance for any help!

        function create_array(){
        var my_array = [];
        var x;
        var y;

        for(let i = 0; i < 10; i++){
            my_array[i] = {
                temp_1: i + 1,
                temp_2: i + 2


    var my_new_array = JSON.stringify(my_array);
    dmx.parse("serverconnect1.load({my_array:'" + my_new_array + "'})");

Step 1.

Create a variable in your server connect and use set value and set outputs to true.

Then share what’s actually being received by the SC.

That doesn’t work.

Ok, so here’s a summary of the key concepts is (pseudo)code:

// Return a JS array events that have been selected 
 function getNewlySelectedDates() {
    return yearcal.getDataSource()
        .filter(item => item.workday_profile_id === '-1')
        .map(item => item.startDate.getFullYear() + "-" + ("0"+(item.startDate.getMonth()+1)).slice(-2) + "-" + ("0" + item.startDate.getDate()).slice(-2));

function saveUserWorkdayProfile() {
    let new_events = getNewlySelectedDates();

    dmx.parse("var_selected_dates.setValue("+ new_events.length + ")");

    dmx.parse("var_selected_date_list.setValue('" + new_events + "')");
    dmx.parse("sc_check_workday_appointments.unselected_dates.setValue('" + cleared_events + "')");

/* - On the SC end --/

Setvalue _dates = {{ $_POST.selected_dates.split(’,’).toJSON() }}

Thanks for helping!

is .toJSON() a custom formatter? I don’t have that in my formatters list in server connect.

It’s there. Undocumented sadly.

That throws a generic 500 error with no further information…

What’s the value of string_arr when output?

And in PHP I think its php_encode rather than tojson()

str_array doesn’t output. trying to use .toJSON() there causes it to throw the error. If I just do the straight $_GET[‘my_array’] it outputs the same as the input…


I’'m using javascript on the front end.

AHA!!! I think I got it!!


Thanks so much for your help @scalaris !

My pleasure

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Just in case anyone is looking at this for a solution in the future. Here’s how you use can use a javascript array (object) in a server connect.

  1. Create an API action that receives your array as a $_GET text variable.

  2. Create a Set Value which uses the undocumented .parseJSON to turn your string back into an array. Make sure Output is ticked

  3. Click Define Schema and add your array fields here.

  4. Create a Repeat Step and select your new array variable as the expression and then select your output fields (as at time of writing there was a bug where these weren’t showing up and I had to enter them manually in code view but I’d imagine that will be fixed shortly)

  5. You can now use the values from the repeat step as normal. In my case I was adding the records to the database.

  1. In your front end page create a Server Connect selecting your newly created API action.

  2. Create your object in a javascript function. Note that this needs to be an object array, not a simple array.

        function create_array(){
           var my_array = [];
           var x;
           var y;
          for(let i = 0; i < 10; i++){
             my_array[i] = { //using the curly brackets here denotes it as an object
                temp_1: i + 1,
                temp_2: i + 2
     var my_new_array = JSON.stringify(my_array);  //stringify the array so it can be sent through the server action
     dmx.parse("serverconnect1.load({my_array:'" + my_new_array + "'})"); //load the server connect 


  3. Run your Javascript from a flow on a button.
