Upload 502 error, then server unresponsive

Wappler 4.4.5 M1 Mac, NodeJS

I have a server action that uses
Load Image
Cover Fit Image
Save Image

As its 3 step procedure, every so often when uploading an image that requires upscaling to meet my Cover Fit Image settings of 4096 x 4096, I will get a 502 Error with no output other than Bad Gateway, and once I get this error the NodeJS server stops working until i restart the Docker Machine or redeploy from Wappler.

The last time this happened I was uploading an image of 2700 x 1738 px and resizing it to 2 different sizes, one for Facebook of 1200 x 627, then a twitter large summary card size of 4096 x 4096, when the error hit.
I also do not see an upscale option in the step like I would find on the resize step, so assume it is to do with that.

Well make sure you have the right dimensions and not some values depending on dynamic data that can be wrong size with huge numbers.

You have probably some huge values that are crashing the whole NodeJS server.

If you are absolutely sure that all input values are correctly you can check for similar cases with the NodeJS Sharp component that we use for the image resize.

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Did you check Docker logs? It might give you a better idea on what the error is.

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