I'm updating a site originally created in Wappler 1 but has been updated from time to time so it could be edited with Wappler 5. I've made a copy of the site and am trying to convert it to a Wappler 7 project. So far, it seems to function more or less correctly (it's a fairly simple site), but I'm having trouble switching from Bootstrap 4 to 5 - I can't get Theme Manager to work.
I set Project Options: Frameworks to 'Bootstrap 5 local'
I used Projects Assets Updater and updated all the files
I used Manage Frameworks for some test pages and chose 'Bootstrap 5 local'
I opened these pages and OK'd the option to convert the files to Bootstrap 5
I restarted Wappler etc..
I thought at this point, the default theme for Bootstrap 5 would be applied and I could edit this to recreate the original theme. However, whatever I did, Theme Manager would not update /5/bootstrap.min.css. I also tried edited the project.json and theme.json files.
In the end, I created a new project and used that to create the theme. I copied the .css file to the original project and edited the .json files. That solved the problem.
Should the steps I took originally have worked or is this not the way to update Bootstrap? Ideally, the Bootstrap file would be updated with the custom theme, but I imagine this is not possible and it's necessary to recreate the theme.