Updating a table getting 500 error

trying to do the simplest thing to update a table and just can’t get it to work. With debug, i get the following error

serverconnectForm.js:249 POST https://www.marsalstudios.com/dmxConnect/api/admin/projects/update_event_infor.php 500

can’t see any other errors. Is there something more specific I can look at with the debugger to see what the problem might be. I seem to be getting confused with the query manager appearing twice. When i use a regular post field as the unique id identifier , that didn’t seem to work either.

Please help?

Please check the following article and see the exact response in the exact location after the form is submitted as shown here:

thanks, here’s what I see when I use the debugger, what is error 500?
It’s got to be really silly I know, my apologies.

Please click the preview or response tab to see the response. It’s explained in the article I sent you.

thanks. that did it. It was a default value error. Thanks again,
so helpful.

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