Update stripe-version header on Stripe actions


I am working on a Stripe project that requires me to modify the stripe-version header for specific Stripe actions.

Example case: Stripe create account. I need to update the stripe-version to include 'unified_accounts_beta=v1'

curl -X POST "https://api.stripe.com/v1/accounts" \
-H "Stripe-Version: 2020-08-27;unified_accounts_beta=v1" \
-d "controller[application][pricing_controls]"="true" \
-d "controller[dashboard][type]"="full" \
-d "controller[application][loss_liable]"="false" \
-d "country"="UK" \

I have also confirmed with Stripe that this amendment is only to be included on specific calls, so I can't just include 'unified_accounts_beta=v1' on all calls.

So, I request that each Stripe action include a modifier option to update the `Preformatted stripe-version header. '


For such specific requirements you can also call the stripe API using the API Action step and define custom headers there:

Hi @Teodor ,

Yes, I could. However, it was more to keep this in the Stripe module that the Wappler team built, as there are many reasons you might want to use a different version, and instead of creating API's I thought it would be better to provide an option to adjusts this on each of the Stripe actions.
