Update in table user

I’m using this example after registering a company, update the users table, with the company’s identfy, but it’s not working.

You need to supply more information. For starters …

  • What have you tried?
  • What part are you stuck on?
  • And most importantly, what do you mean by ‘doesn’t work’? That’s like going to a mechanic and saying my car doesn’t work. :wink:

I’m trying this.

Your value in update action is incorrect and should be insert_empresa.identity
Delete value that you have, click on Arrow and select identity under insert_empresa

even modifying it didn’t work

This is really importan!

As Brad says, tell us what you want to achieve.
You are inserting some values, and then try to update the table user with the id of the previous insert?
What do you have on the condition tab?

I also noticed that security identify is not on your steps :thinking:

Also check out “output” and show the response on dev tools please.

I suspect it may be the condition like you’ve mentioned. Can you show us what condition you have @Valtenci - if you don’t specify which row you want to update with some condition, then it won’t update the value.

Hi… maybe set a value and output it to see in what it outputs?


its all working… my test//// {"insert_action":{"identity":"28","affected":1},"checktheoutput":"28"}

so {{insert_empresa.identity}} must work

But did you also check your condition??? as you need to set the that as well…
as your condition needs to know what record to update… as you have the value you want to update… … do you perhaps have screenshot of the condition


hello, I will test your example

Thank you all so much, I managed to solve it, with your help.

thank you all :handshake: :pray: