Update form not filling with data

I can’t seem update form to work.
Followed https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zrOE-1c-2eU

My post is working and leads to:

However, no data is taken from the database, eventhough data is there.

I don’t see errors in Dev Tools:


This is a MySQL + PHP situation.

Any idea’s?

That’s not a $_POST, that’s a $_GET

You need to change your form method to use POST

Hi Apple,

Thanks for your support.
I have a get query and an update Query.
My Update form is populated by the get Query
and the form Post(ing) it into the Database.

Eventhough the url suggests GET(ting) MutatieAnamnese.php?Gastreferentie=2052023043
the form is NOT filled.
Also typing values into the form doesn’t result in updating the database.

So I would think that the gastreferentie was well Post(ed) and the Update Form is getting the values via the linked QueryManager.

Maybe I still am overlooking something so all help is appraciated. :wink:

Could this maybe have something to do with the date field?


I realised that random values in update won’t work. So when using the right value for gastereferentie (as in URL) 2052023043 the Database is updated. (Even with date value no problem.

Problem still at hand:
Why isn’t the form (pre) filled with the existing data from the database?


Update 23:20
I’ve changed the input parameter from
query.gastreferentie to query.Gastreferentie

I miss a bit of an overview because I couldn’t make a variable name at the “Get Query” with a Capital G(astreferentie)

Through trial and error for now it’s working, but I would love to hear from anyone where I’m seeing this wrong or how to look at this differently.

Why can’t I make a variable GET value with a capital G but I do need it as a Input Parameter in the serverconnect?
