I have created an update form it has two summernote lite fields and two dynamic tagify fields (amongst others). I have an issue where the form will update no problem and the relevant serverconnect queries are reloaded, and if I go and update the same record it will update again with no issue...
The issue comes if on the second update I change one of the tagify fields either one or both of the summernote fields is over written with no data (I can see the data displayed in the box when the form is updated. If I replace the summernote fields with a regular text area field then the issue does not happen. It has me really stumped. I am on the latest version and the full site has been uploaded etc
Do you open the form in a modal? If yes, make sure to check the "Open in modal" checkbox. Had the same issue and this was my problem back then.
Thanks for the response, I was really hoping that this would work, I am opening the form in a modal, I have tested with the Use in modal checked but the same problem persists..
I had the same issue. I will check on how I solved this.
I am now having this issue on another form too, when I edit a record for the second time by changing a standard dropdown select field it wipes all of the summernote lite fields.
Seems to me it's a BS5 thing. Keeps coming up with BS5 forms. Made me revert to BS4.
Sadly this is a BS4 form. After lots of frustration and tinkering I think I have a solution though. On success I reset all of the summernote fields and then used set value for each field with the updated server connect data.
Just tested it. You are right. My field empties as well. Must be a bug somewhere. @patrick : do you have a solution?