Unknown component found! Autocomplete


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  1. Before reporting, make sure you have the latest version of Wappler.
  2. Make sure you have searched the forum first for similar issues being reported
  3. If it is a general web related issue - do a Google Search first
  4. Issue tracker is only for bugs and feature requests, in English only.
  5. Learn how to report bugs effectively

======== TEMPLATE BUG FORM ========

Wappler Version : 6.5.1
Operating System :MacOS and Windows 11
Framework: Capacitor with 8.3.0

Expected behavior

What do you think should happen?

Creating autocomplete field should add the autocomplete component and create the corresponding link entry in the head section.

What actually happens?

The component is added to the project but the link entry is not added to the head section. Wappler says it is adding the entry but it in fact does not add it. Adding the script src entry to the head section manually does allow the component to function normally.

How to reproduce

  • Detail a step by step guide to reproduce the issue
  • A screenshot or short video indicating the problem
  • A copy of your code would help. Include: JS, HTML.
  • Test your steps on a clean page to see if you still have an issue
  1. Start a new project and switch it to Framework 8.3.0
  2. Create a list and add a form field.
  3. Convert the form field to an Autocomplete

index.html.zip (308 Bytes)

Could you try with the latest Wappler 6.5.2 - as to me it works fine with it, so maybe the problem is solved.