Unknown Action - Page Flow - When include Alert Action

Wappler Version : 6.3.2
Operating System : Windows 11
Server Model: Node
Database Type: SQL Server

I Try to use Flow Editor! But first time of use, ok the component BOTBOX Dialogs works, but when i try edit again de flow, the Alert is transform to “Unknown Action”

Please paste your flow code here.

<script is="dmx-flow" id="flowDelete" type="text/dmx-flow">{

   meta: {

     $param: [

       {type: "text", name: "id"}



   exec: {

     steps: {

       confirm: {

         output: true,

         outputType: "boolean",

         message: "{{'Confirma Exclusão [ '+$param.id+' ]'}}",

         then: {

           steps: [


               serverConnect: {

                 name: "sc",

                 outputType: "object",

                 url: "/api/gestor/v1/acessos/AcessoDelete",

                 site: "GestorNet",

                 params: {id: "{{$param.id}}"}




               bootbox.alert: {message: "Deletado!"}




         else: {

           steps: {

             bootbox.alert: {message: "Exclusão Abortada!"}







Copied and pasted your code in Wappler i can see the actions without any issues.
What version are you using? What Bootstrap version? Stable or Beta extensions channel?

Hi Teodor, Wappler 6.3.2, i put on beta to try too. I have BS5 in the project, but in this Page BS4.

You can’t mix bootstrap 5 and 4 in the same project. Either use bootstrap 4 for the whole project or use bootstrap 5.
Thats your issue here.

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