Unicode/Charactercode Bug

Having a header file opened and seeing wrong chartset in preview for äöü and I guess others. When clicking into the field its showing properly up. In Browser etc works.

OS: Win10, Wappler 1.6.3

A34F1D36-FEA6-4DDE-A6F1-B90B8F19E0E4.MOV (4.8 MB)

Hello Freddy,
Is this an include file? What does your include file contain?

Also - there are free programs which allow you to capture videos/screenshots from your computer directly :slight_smile: No need to use your phone for that :smiley:

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Also - are you sure you are not missing the following meta tag on your main page: <meta charset="UTF-8"> ?

@Teodor haha yes youre right, but just couldnt find a good free screen recorder. I‘m using screen-o-matic, but thats a chrome extension, So I cant record stuff outside with that free edition lol…

yes its an include file (header). Ill check what it contains. I guess not so much, my previous post with the „Blank Screen“ would just show my header

There is a non browser version of screen-o-matic available free, limitation is a watermark in the video

@Hyperbytes oh good to know! Thanx

Windows 10 has inbuilt screen capture.

Otherwise I could highly recommend Snagit: Buy Snagit | TechSmith


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