Unexpected Colon Error

Wappler 2.9.1

Steps to recreate

  1. Create a variable like this:
<dmx-value id="description_booking_names" dmx-bind:value="{{attendees.data.values(`first_name + \' \' + last_name`)}}"></dmx-value>

(which I know works okay as it returns a value)

  1. Go to edit the variable’s value in the properties editor. Click on the [lightning] icon. In the Data Bindings window, click on the [Magic Wand] icon.

  2. You get the following error message:


How did you create this part of the expression?

+ \' \' +

where was the whole expression added and how was it generated?

I pasted your example from the other thread into the Value field for the variable.

Removing them seems to fix it…

This was supposed to go directly in the code view, not in the UI :slight_smile: then the \ wouldn’t have appeared.

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