Understanding SSH Keys: Enhancing Server Security and Access Control

Secure Shell (SSH) keys are a critical component of secure server management, access control, and various deployment processes, including Docker deployments. In this article, we’ll explore SSH keys in a broader context and then dive into their importance within Wappler, a platform that facilitates server management and Docker deployments using SSH keys.

What are SSH Keys?

SSH keys, or Secure Shell keys, are cryptographic credentials used to establish secure and encrypted connections between a client (your computer) and a server. They consist of a pair: a public key (shared with the server) and a private key (stored securely on your local machine). This setup ensures secure data transmission and user authentication.

Primary Uses of SSH Keys:

  1. Authentication: SSH keys are widely used for user authentication, replacing the need for traditional passwords, which can be less secure.

  2. Automated Tasks: SSH keys enable automation by allowing scripts and tools to connect to remote servers or services without human intervention. This is essential for tasks like automated backups, software updates, and more.

  3. Secure File Transfer: SSH keys are crucial for secure file transfer (SFTP), ensuring that files are transmitted safely between the local machine and remote servers.

  4. Tunneling: SSH keys can create secure tunnels for forwarding traffic from a local port to a remote server, providing a secure path for data to traverse.

  5. Docker Deployments: SSH keys play a significant role in securely deploying Docker containers to remote servers, ensuring that your applications are safely up and running.

Now, let’s explore the two key operational modes for SSH keys in Wappler:

Single Personal SSH Key

In this mode, a single personal SSH key is stored in the ~/.ssh directory of your local machine. This key is used for all your projects, server management, and Docker deployments. Here are the advantages and considerations:


  • Simplicity: Managing a single key is straightforward, and it simplifies the deployment process.
  • Convenience: You don’t need to switch or update keys for different tasks.


  • Security: Safeguarding and regularly backing up this single key is essential, as losing it means losing access to multiple servers and potential disruptions in Docker deployments.

  • Access Control: Sharing this key with others provides them access to all your servers and Docker environments, which may not be suitable for certain scenarios.

Project-Specific SSH Key

In this mode, a unique SSH key is created for each project, stored in the .wappler/.ssh directory within the project’s folder. Here are the advantages and considerations:


  • Granular Access Control: You can assign distinct keys to different projects, granting specific access for each, enhancing security and isolation.

  • Collaboration: Sharing a project folder with other developers automatically shares the corresponding SSH key, facilitating collaborative work on the project and Docker deployments.


  • Management Overhead: Handling multiple keys can be more complex, as you’ll need to keep track of them for various projects.

  • Increased Disk Space Usage: Project-specific keys take up more storage space compared to a single personal key.

How to Use SSH Keys in Wappler for Docker Deployments

Wappler simplifies the process of managing SSH keys for Docker deployments. Here’s a general overview of how to use SSH keys in Wappler:

  1. Generate SSH Keys: You can generate SSH keys using Wappler for each project. These keys will be stored in the .wappler/.ssh directory within the project folder.

  2. Associate SSH Keys with Docker Deployments: When deploying Docker containers on remote servers using Wappler, you can select the SSH key associated with the project. This ensures secure access for Docker deployments, enhancing the security of your applications.

In conclusion, SSH keys are an integral part of server security, access control, and Docker deployments. The choice between a single personal SSH key or project-specific keys in Wappler depends on your specific needs and security considerations. Whether deploying web applications or Docker containers, safeguarding your SSH keys is paramount to maintaining the security and accessibility of your servers and ensuring the smooth operation of your Dockerized applications.