Unable to Use Masonry & Swiper on Same Page

Wappler Version : 4.4.5
Operating System : W10
Server Model: NodeJS

Expected behavior

Swiper & masonry both should render on page load.

Actual behavior

Swiper loads correctly initially. But as soon as Masonry loads, swiper elements get weird extra classes added to slides, breaking the swiper.


How to reproduce

Add a swiper, then a masonry on a content page. Run it.

The single image above is actually supposed to be a horizontal swiper. Powerspces/material/misc etc are part of masonry.

Removing masonry code from the page renders swiper correctly.

Any update on this @patrick?

How is the code nested, is the swiper a direct child of the masonry?

No. Its a sibling. Both components are separate.

@patrick Unable to replicate this anymore. I think my swiper was messed up somehow. I recreated it and things seem to be working fine now.