Unable to locate cordova.js file

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======== TEMPLATE BUG FORM ========

Wappler Version : 3.3.2
Operating System : Windows 10

Expected behavior

What do you think should happen?

No errors show in console when loading index.html

Actual behavior

What actually happens?

Console error shows Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Wappler: Not Found) for cordova.js file

How to reproduce

  1. Create Desktop project with Framework7
  2. Enable Electron
  3. Preview index.html in browser
  4. Open Console to view errors

There is a automatically added script tag for cordova.js in head section of page.

No such file exists at in www directory

I have this same issue. Adding Cordova to the site only adds the script tag, but doesn’t add the actual cordova.js file to the directory.

It looks like it only adds it to the build of the app (e.g. electron). I’m guessing that if we are trying to use the same codebase for a web app we need to somehow remove the cordova.js file.

Ah. That makes sense. I’m just starting to play around with Framework7 etc, probably don’t need cordova anyway. But weird for it to add the script tag and not the file.

Yes this script is added during the build for the right platform. During design it is just a placeholder.