Unable to get event id on calendar when event clicked

Wappler: v3.9.3
Server Model: PHP

I’ve got a calendar working nicely and now trying to do the click action on an event. I have the Event Click action on the calendar and am trying to set the select for a Data Detail so I can show everything in a modal but the bindings aren’t showing (see screencast).

When I click on the triangle to open the Source fields, it just disappears.

I’ve tried manually entering what I think it should be but it’s not working.

Is this a bug? How can I manually enter the code to get this working in the meantime?

What data exactly are you trying to pass to your dynamic event?

Just the id of the event. I can then pick up everything else via the Data Detail.

Please check:

it explains how to use the event data.

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Thanks @Teodor. I hadn’t spotted the event data at the top.

I am now picking up the ID but, oddly, it doesn’t work to select the ID in the Data Detail. If I store it in a var then it’s fine. Can you check that for me?