Unable to add a connection in global for database

Wappler: 5.2.4
OS: Mac

I am now unable to add a Database connection in Global Connections. Also same issue in Database Manager.
It just shows up a blank connection box.
Could do with an urgent fix on this if possible.

Yep also happening with me on Wappler 5.2.4 when using a NodeJS server model. Have confirmed it doesn’t work with new projects either, have had to revert back to Wappler 5.2.3 in the meantime.

yep I’ve done the same and reverted back at the moment, hopefully this will get fixed.

same issue for windows 10… I cant create new project

wappler 5.2.4
windows 10

I am getting the following error message as output.

TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'searchPath') at h (file:///C:/Users/Serhat/AppData/Local/Wappler/resources/app/Shared/DMXzone/dmxAppCreator/UI/databaseManager.js:8:27053) at Object.<anonymous> (file:///C:/Users/Serhat/AppData/Local/Wappler/resources/app/Shared/DMXzone/dmxAppCreator/UI/databaseManager.js:8:26767) at Object.trigger (file:///C:/Users/Serhat/AppData/Local/Wappler/resources/app/Shared/DMXzone/dmxAppCreator/UI/w2ui/w2ui.min.js:7:36380) at file:///C:/Users/Serhat/AppData/Local/Wappler/resources/app/Shared/DMXzone/dmxAppCreator/UI/w2ui/w2ui.min.js:7:260518 at sentryWrapped (C:\Users\Serhat\AppData\Local\Wappler\resources\app\node_modules\@sentry\browser\dist\helpers.js:75:23)

same here

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Same Here

Sorry about that was an error due to the new addition of the searchPath parameter for Postgres databases.

Will be fixed in the next update.

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Fixed in Wappler 5.2.5

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