Typing in code results in changes in properties field

Wappler Version : 4.0.3
Operating System : mac
Server Model:
Database Type:
Hosting Type:

Expected behavior

Users should be able to freely type in code view without interaction with the app structure properties

Actual behavior

At certain times (I’m not sure what triggers this) I attempt to type in code view, but the focus remains on a field in the properties panel, and accepts my keys strokes.

How to reproduce

You can see in this video that I am trying to move focus to the code and make edits, but the edits keep happening on the ID property field on the far right:

That’s an interesting one - never experienced this. Do you remember what did you do before this started happening?

Unfortunately no. It’s been happening for at least a few weeks, but I’ve never been able to replicate for you so no report. I finally decided to at least alert you to the issue, even though I can’t figure out what triggers it. If I had to guess, it would be that I had renamed the ID, and then was trying to go back and rename again, but that is really a guess.

It also SEEMS that once an element is stuck like this, only closing the page and reopening fixes. But if one element is stuck, others are not necessarily impacted ( but I’m not certain ).

Does this happen when you are working in code view only, or are you switching between design and code?

Hmmm…also hard to say, but I will try to figure that out.

But my typical usage on this project is to open a file, turn off app connect rendering, and go into split mode.

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What if you turn off app connect in the wappler settings and set default to split view then open the page?

That is how I have mine set up and have never experienced this strange behaviour. Just curious.

I never seen this before, it looks like the code editor is in read only mode since you can’t event get in there. You get this more often? If you somehow can figure out when this happens, is it some specific document that always give the problem or happens after some specific action.

Found the issue - was indeed an edge rare case. Will be fixed in the next update

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This has been fixed in Wappler 4.0.4

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