Typeerror: cannot create property 'children' on boolean 'false' at S.jstree

I’m getting the following error and I’d love to get help on best way to resolve it.

TypeError: Cannot create property ‘children’ on boolean ‘false’ at S.jstree.plugins.dnd._append_json_data (file:///Applications/Wappler.app/Contents/Resources/app/Shared/DMXzone/dmxAppCreator/UI/jsTree/jstree.js:8:21288) at S.jstree.plugins.dnd. (file:///Applications/Wappler.app/Contents/Resources/app/Shared/DMXzone/dmxAppCreator/UI/jsTree/jstree.js:8:18390) at proxy (/Applications/Wappler.app/Contents/Resources/app/node_modules/jquery/dist/jquery.js:10780:13) at Object.callback (file:///Applications/Wappler.app/Contents/Resources/app/Shared/DMXzone/dmxAppCreator/UI/pagesManager.js:1:16233) at dmxDWApiBridge.applyCallback (file:///Applications/Wappler.app/Contents/Resources/app/Shared/DMXzone/dmxAppCreator/dmxDWApiBridge/dmxNWApiBridge.js:1:9512) at r (file:///Applications/Wappler.app/Contents/Resources/app/Shared/DMXzone/dmxAppCreator/dmxDWApiBridge/dmxNWApiBridge.js:1:44849) at file:///Applications/Wappler.app/Contents/Resources/app/Shared/DMXzone/dmxAppCreator/dmxDWApiBridge/dmxNWApiBridge.js:1:45560 at node:fs:200:23 at node:internal/util:464:12 at getDirents (node:internal/fs/utils:280:7) at FSReqCallback.oncomplete (node:fs:1495:7)

What’s causing this issue and how can I address it?

This is a Wappler internal error, only the Wappler team will be able to help you. Please open a bug report detailing how to reproduce it (as much as you can)

This is an internal error and not really critical. It happens in some of the trees. It will be helpful if you can pinpoint when it exactly happens.

Yes, I am not affected by this notification and more of the issues I run into on Wappler are user rather than system errors.

I will try to pinpoint if it returns as it seems to have stop after i rebuilt part of my app.