Trying to find next record by adding +1 to url parameter

I have a URL param "d" on a page. It's numeric. I would like to have a link on the page which get the next record which would be the url param value plus 1. But when I try to do this by place +1 it simply put it next to the url param value, so if the param is say d=1, it makes the link have a param of d=11

Is this what you are looking for?

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Thanks Ben...I think so. I guess it is a looper... I will give it a go. Of the top of your head would it let be defined the default record. I want to display the record with today's date first as default?

Also do you know a solution to carrying out operations on URL Param... like in my question above?

query.d is a string, "1" instead of 1

So it's doing "1" + 1 which becomes "1" + "1" which becomes "11"

Use the formatter to convert to a Number on query.d, so it becomes 1 + 1

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I am trying to use Iterator and want to cycel (iterating) through dates and I want the default record to be today's. Previous will go to the previous date and Next will go to the next date @ben @Apple or anyone else?