Trying to access 'Git Manager' crashes Wappler almost instantly - work has stopped

Wappler Version : 4.7.1 (latest)
Operating System : Mac M1
Server Model: NodeJS
Database Type: mariadb
Hosting Type: docker local, digital ocean remote

Expected behavior

What do you think should happen?

As per yesterday I should be able to access git to pull from the repo (to update work done by developers).

Actual behavior

What actually happens?

I click on the Git Manager icon, it switches screens to the Git Manager, appears to be trying to 'connect' and then crashes Wappler.

I've tried to restart with logging but as it's crashing, each time I re-open it asks me to do the same thing so I can't create a log. I do however get the bug report sent notification.

I've tried disconnecting from GitLab in Wappler Settings, and also reconnecting.

Both attempts fail with the same result - Wappler crashing.

As an emergency workaround you can use the terminal and type git pull

You could also use a third-party Git GUI, I personally use Fork:

You can try for free, no need to configure anything - every Git tool will work without configuration as configuration is already stored in your project folder

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If Wappler is crashing reliably, restart it with logging and post the logs.

I have seen Git repos failing for me after a merge/conflict mixup. I either turn to terminal, as suggested above, or just delete the project and do a fresh clone.

Thanks Sid, as per my post - I am unable to restart with logging.

I will try the Git Pull from the terminal, if that fails I’ll try Fork - thank you @Apple for the recommendations here.

Sorry, missed that part.
The Wappler crash message means only the team can help with the bug.

Hope the workarounds let you continue for now.

So I’ve now tried this:

Pull Git - this worked in termal.
Outcome: Wappler still crashes.

Ended up using SourceTree to try and resolve the issue.

What I found was that Wappler upon being started today, randomly created a large number of duplicate files - files that are a exact clone but appended with a 3. E.g. index 3.ejs

This has happened previously (about 2 days ago) when it appended everything with a 2. I deleted all the duplicates and worked as normal.

But even deleting all of these files, and the uncommits (stating these files need to be committed) and clean everything up, and then pull from the git using SourceTree Wappler STILL crashes.

Any ideas?

worked around the issue by creating an entirely new project with the git repo. So i’m good to keep work flowing, but will leave this here for the team to review.