Trying "Passing Values Between your Pages", but it doesn't work

Hi, I’ve checked this tutorial Passing Values Between your Pages

but when I click “online” image on , it seems that the page moved to the lined one (./search/) once, but came back to the original page again. how can I keep the linked page shown?

what I want to do is, when click this image, I would like to set value “on_offline=1” and pass to the next linked page.

Just guessing here, but could this be the problem?
<base href="/BestinX/">


Thanks! I don’t know why that line was added…I removed it though, but it reacts same way.

I still can’t solve this, anyone has some clue?

Your link for the image us currently set to nothing…

<a is="dmx-link" href=""><img class="card-img-top" alt="Card image cap" src="img/location/online.png"></a>

Are you using routing for your links?

I set like below in the link, is this setting wrong?

<a dmx-on:click="session1.set('on_offline',text1.value);browser1.goto('./search/')"><img class="card-img-top" alt="Card image cap" src="img/location/online.png"></a>