Trying out a basic routing without success

Hi I am having a hard time getting a very basic 2 page Fw7 routing to work in Wappler 4.

Last time I created this such test worked fine, but now I am struggling for days and finally decided to make a post here.

Probably a huge user error, but I really want this to get working.

  • I have setup a new FW7 project.

  • added a dynamic list on the index page from my web api. So far so good

  • Added the route id to the details page (/:city_id))

  • Now I add the link to the element using the route button, select the page with route id and use the lighting bolt button to select the city_id from the List elements. The link shows "/Markets_page/{{city_id}}” (without quotes) In the documentation this expressions shows as a colored item, not as text. So this might be the first thing that goes wrong? This variable get converted to the following: city_id=%7B%7Bcity_id%7D%7D during navigating to the details page. So clearly something is not correct.

Now on the details page:

  • Adding a server connect item
  • Point the input parameter to ? route parameter? I don’t see anything in the route/params list
  • So probably type it manually: route.params.city_id
  • Now adding a list
  • Set a link with a text (name from the DB) but when I add the data-binding expression the following line gets added: app.main.f7page. This line also gets added whe trying to add the params expression… Where is this coming from?

Please check:

That is indeed the page I followed… but things just are not working the same

Well I think you are just doing it wrongly and not following the docs. You need to use dynamic attributes to do this, as explained in the docs.

AHA!!! that is one thing I will not do wrong again

What about this being added to a server connect expression for example: