Tricky Situation with Capacitor. Login API doesn't work

My login logic for my app is this:
Login, refresh user info and hide columns based on the existence of user info.

In wappler development environment, it works. When I build and test on Android it doesn’t.
I have my API links in https and everything else checks out.

What am I doing wrong?

You will need to do some debugging of the application on the device or emulator within Android Studio using Logcat which will display any errors. You could first check that you have CORS enabled and working correctly. You will have to enable debugging options on your mobile device under developer options in the settings. A quick search of the web will guide you through enabling this feature.

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Thanks, Dave, turns out I had to locally store the user ID upon login and signup and filter the user’s table based on ID stored locally and not using the remote

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Can you explain how you did this? I have a Capicitor App that is not retrieving the identity on log in.

I know this post is old, but I need to get login working on a capicitor app. Any help would be appreciated.

I solved it ..... just had to enable 'credentials' on all my user recordsets.