Treborough Hill site built with Wappler

We are happy to present you the great Treborough Hill website, built by @magicwebs.
You can check the website here: - a really nice example of what you can achieve using Wappler.

It’s a responsive website, built with Bootstrap 4 and many of our App Connect components (navbar, slideshow, lightbox, animations).
It uses dynamic data for the content, gallery and meta-tags, which comes from a CMS.

Maybe @magicwebs can explain a little more about the powers of Wappler and its front and back end components, and how he built the front and back-end (CMS) for this website :slight_smile:


Hello Teodor

Thank you for your kind comments. I am snowed under for a while with work, having just returned from holiday but I will try to write something about how the site was created when time permits.

Best wishes



Well done Robert - site is looking great! I’m thinking to do some horse riding! Looks all so nice!

Careful @George. I ride and came off my horse at a canter a few weeks ago, i am waiting for an MRI scan to find the extent of the damage to my spine (hence why i have been quiet recently). We cant afford you to be injured!!!

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Well done @magicwebs site is looking and working well. Look forward to hearing what you went through to get it working when you have a moment.
@George, no horse riding or any other dangerous activities for you. You should rather get a bodyguard to keep you safe.


Congrats @magicwebs. It is great to see wappler projects completed.