Transfer generated files by FTP

Is there an FTP module, which would allow you to call a connection, and perform tasks such as moving files there or creating remote folders?

Not sure, but maybe it will useful

Server Connect has all the components needed to manually implement this I.e. load file, save file, create folder, delete file/ folder, check if folder or file exists.
You should be able to develop a module using these.

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Perhaps this meant a remote FTP server?

This is indeed the need to create remote storage folders,

Have you considered using an S3 Storage solution? Really inexpensive with many functions included in Wappler to do exactly what you require. AWS offer very cheap S3 as do Digital Ocean and a multitude of other providers. Despite having GB’s of files on AWS S3 we pay no more than a couple of Dollars a month! It is also good practice to serve files off site as can save on system resources and costs. Worth thinking about at least. You may even get away with the free tier (AWS), and as far as I know Digital Ocean is still giving away up to $200 in credit for new sign-ups…