I’ve come across an issue where traefik provided certificate only returns secure connection in Safari, but not in Chrome. Online SSL checker also results in active SSL certificate. I’ve even come such lengths to purchase SSL certificate directly from Hetzner as my server and domain are registered there for convenience. Has anyone came across the same issue before or would have any pointers on how to resolve this issue? P.S. I’m very fresh when it comes to SSL, to the point where, presumably purchased SSL certificate from Hetzner should be appointed and work out of the box without Treafik deployed?
this is the screenshot of the certificate, altho, not without the errors
This is
Apologies if I havent provided enough information. I am deploying traefik through docker, node.js server. I have been trying to get service back up and running, but without any luck. furthermore, I traefik installation isn’t deploying dashboard anymore, even though in wappler it says that everything is up and running! I have tried redeploying project on different servers and even going through Using Custom Domains and SSL with Let's Encrypt and Traefik process with various different domains and servers hosted in hetzner. No luck.
As you can tell Resource Manager shows all the services up and running, (webpage name changed). I have tried to create new project, deploy it on the new heztner server, and repeat the traefik process again. With completely different domain. Same results other than dashboard working this time,
Try by replacing the Web Server URL under the remote target settings from https://concept3d.co.uk to http://concept3d.co.uk and re-deploying the project.
Tried deploying as http and https, unfortunately the same. Also tried to redeploy traefik without any luck, still says that the certificate hasn’t been verified by the third party
You’re confusing me, what website are talking about?
concept3d.co.uk is not responding - have you blocked external access? (or stopped Traefik?)
carpartshub.uk DNS record doesn’t exist - a Let’s Encrypt certificate will never be obtained for this domain as it’s inaccessible
(I’m not taking in consideration the SSL certificate you bought from Hetzner, as that comes with another challenge, which is configuring Traefik to use a custom certificate [or using Hetzner’s load balancer, which might be easier])
carpartshub.uk is the domain I am trying to acquire the certificate for, the other domain was to check whether there’s an issue from my end. It is very weird that the following domain doesn’t have dns records. As the domain is assigned in hetzner’s website onto server’s ip address Currently trying load balancers with the previously purchased certificate
Looks like changes have already taken place on the DNS checker website, but as you said, it might take some time for results to show up. Also, as I’m that much unfamiliar with load balancers and ssl certificates in general, should I remove traefik if I’m using Thawte certificate in the load balancers?
If you use a load balancer, Traefik wouldn’t be needed, but if you remove Traefik without understanding what you’re doing you’re going to break Hetzner’s load balancer.
Here’s how I can tell if you’re going to break Hetzner’s load balancer if you remove Traefik: Is your Hetzner load balancer accessing your server on port 80?
If you want it nicely, the NodeJS port would have to be exposed and the load balancer connect directly to it instead of port 80 (Traefik)
You’re welcome, glad you solved the problem (I think?)
It’s just that browsers haven’t picked on it yet, and are still displaying old traefik self signed certificate, so I take it is just going to take some time for changes to take place
Looks like you have another problem on your hand, can’t go to sleep yet!
Traefik is trying to redirect HTTP to HTTPS (even if you connect with HTTPS)
Change the URL in your Wappler project to http instead of https
(I discovered this by visiting your website, not by looking at the screenshot)
This happens because Traefik doesn’t know the load balancer is already doing HTTPS termination, all Traefik sees is incoming HTTP traffic, and tries to redirect to HTTPS
Or at least this is what I get from the safari output. Would completely re-deploying the project without traefik, exposing port 80 and using load balancers would fix the issue?