Tooltip / Popover Content with LineBreak <br>



It seems something to be easy, but…
I didnt find the way how to do it.


I also tried without “allow HTML” and also without ’ ’

How can i get it to work?
Thank you for ur Help

Hello, what’s the problem wit the expression?

Hi Teodor

Thank u for ur reply.

I would like to display more than 1 dynamic expression in the content of the popover.

Each expression shown on a separate line.

When I use Expression_1 + Expression_2 + Expression_3, the output works, but the result is only on one line.

Thank u for ur help

Your code should look like:

 dmx-bs-tooltip="Expression_1 + '&nbsp;<br>&nbsp;' + Expression_2" data-html="true"

Please paste your code and expressions here directly, don’t use screenshots :slight_smile: it’s easier to copy/paste than rewrite it.

Thank u, Teodor

your solution works perfectly. :ok_hand:
So cool

I needed the screenshots so that I could make the HTML command visible for the LineBreak.The web chat editor interpreted the LineBreak directly and inserted a new line. therefore i used them.

To activate data-html, I had to enter ="true" directly in the Wappler code editor.
Using the checkbox in the Popover UI, I can’t do this with one click.

Wrap any html i 3 backticks to render it as code: ```

We are going to fix this in the next update.

Thank u for fixing the data-html.

Please check also the Trigger Actions from the Popover e.g. HOVER
The HOVER from Popover dont works, but the HOVER Trigger from Tooltip works perfect.