Tooltip only displays to left of the input field

I have this issue where over one of the last updates my tooltips, which are set as “top” only appear left no matter what I set in properties. I have disabled my style.css file to make sure it is not anything I set.

This is what I get:

My input field code:

<div class="input-group"> <div class="input-group-prepend"> <span class="input-group-text" style="border-radius: .25rem 0 0 .25rem">R</span> </div> <input type="text" class="number-separator form-control text-end" id="quickPlanMonthlySalary" name="quickPlanMonthlySalary" placeholder="Enter Value" data-rule-number="" data-msg-number="Enter a valid amount." min="" data-rule-min="0" data-msg-min="Enter a value more than or equal to 0." dmx-bind:value="[0].amount" dmx-bs-tooltip="'<h6>Salaries</h6><p>Capture your monthly income before tax and deductions, if you are employed.</p>'" data-bs-html="true" data-bs-trigger="focus" data-bs-placement="top"> </div>

Are you sure the space on top is enough for the tooltip to appear and fit there? If not it will be placed on the side.

I added some top padding to the modal body and still get it. Will also check in properties if I maybe have overflow: hidden or something else:

I tested on h2 element and it does display on top, so this is definitely something on my side. Will change from bug to howto

Maybe that’s related to the input group prepend and the nested elements inside/positions/display properties. Maybe try experimenting a bit with this

I did remove the container and prepend - not difference but will go on troubleshooting. Thanks