Tooltip button does not work

Hi all,
I am trying to insert a simple button that shows a tooltip, but it does not work.

I tried to use both the line " <button type=“button” class=“btn btn-secondary” data-toggle=“tooltip” data-placement=“right” title="" data-original-title=“Tooltip on right” aria-describedby=“tooltip684605”>Right</button>" into the code and Wappler Dynamic Attributes + Tooltip without success.

Can you help me, please?


You should only be using dynamic attributes of Wappler it will generate the code needed.
It would be nice if you provide a link to your page.

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Thanks for your reply.

Unfortunately, the page I am creating is on localhost.

However, I recreated the button completely using Wappler only.

The HTML code is:

<button class="btn btn-secondary" dmx-bs-tooltip="Test" data-placement="right">Button</button>


You should wrap static tooltip content in quotes:

'test' and not test

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It works now! Thank you very much!

However, I have not found any information in the Wappler documentation regarding the single quotes, not even in the Bootstrap documentation.

Thank you.

Moreover, I would like to assign an action to it. Go to a simple URL.

This is the result:

<button class="btn btn-secondary" dmx-bs-tooltip="'Test'" data-placement="right" data-toggle="button" onclick="???">Button</button>

As you can see, I inserted question marks because Wappler interface does not help you to create the link.

So, I had to insert “location.href=‘test.php’;” manually.

Well, for links use an anchor button :slight_smile:

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Wow! A lot easier using the anchor button.

Thanks again! :slight_smile:

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a question
the tooltips are with black background and white text
Is it possible to change the colors from the design section?

Additional question: how can we remove the tooltip once clicked on the link?

Maybe you have to use Hover and don’t click

The tooltip is on a textlink to an external page with a blank target. When we return to the first page the tooltip still stick on the textlink. It just dissapear when we click on a next textlink.

This is the code:
a class=“nav-item nav-link p-0” href=“ " dmx-bs-tooltip=” ‘tooltiptext’ " data-trigger=“hover” target="_blank" data-animation=“false” data-placement=“bottom”>-New page</a

No one?

This is the case:

I would suggest using the hover … you seem to be missing it in your code?

<a href="[anotherpage.html](" dmx-bs-tooltip="' tooltip1'" data-placement="right" style="display: block;" target="_blank">LINK1</a>
<a href="[anotherpage.html](" dmx-bs-tooltip="' tooltip2'" data-placement="right" style="display: block;" target="_blank">LINK2</a>
<a href="[anotherpage.html](" dmx-bs-tooltip="' tooltip3'" data-placement="right" style="display: block;" target="_blank">LINK3</a>


It is activated in the Properties but not shown in the code. I think this is the default trigger in dmxBootstrap4Tooltips.js

I also have no idea what the ‘Animation’ provokes.

I found out that you can customize the tooltip in your custom css:

.tooltip-inner {
max-width: 200px;
padding: 0.25rem 0.5rem;
color: #fff !important;
text-align: center;
background-color: #8a0b0b !important;
border-radius: 0.25rem;

If you want to customize the arrow also then put:

.bs-tooltip-right .arrow::before {
right: 0;
border-width: 0.4rem 0.4rem 0.4rem 0;
border-right-color: #8a0b0b !important;

And accordingly change the parameters:
bs-tooltip-top/bottom/right/left .arrow::before


Thank You very much

I have not found a solution yet

You’ll need to give your links a style class like .tooltip-link and then try adding this:

    trigger : 'hover'

This should hide the tooltip on-click.

The tooltip actually disappears with onclick but I want it to disappear with a mouse movement outside the link.

This is latin to me. Can not paste this in my css.