Tinymce unique id for multiple instances?

Anyone running tinymce with multiple instances on a page? If so, do your editors have unique ids for the iframes that match the textarea id?

Here’s an example I found online

For some reason I think app connect is not firing soon enough for the iframes to copy the unique id or I’m missing something in my code to enable it.


As far as I can gather, you can specify the selector option in tinymce.init. When you want to convert the textareas to editors, you can use selector: '.my-editor' to apply the editor to all textareas with a class of my-editor.

It’s possible I’m going down the wrong troubleshooting path. I am using a class in the selector to generate the editors. It works for a single instance, but for editors that I am generating in a repeat, the container is generating, but it’s not allowing me to click into it and add text. My first guess is it’s due to the id, but that could be wrong.

does this help?

Unfortunately it does not. I also tried to wrap the init in a function and add it to dmx-on:ready="initializeTinyMCE()" and dmx-on:load="initializeTinyMCE()", but that keeps tiny from loading at all.