Thinking of using less CSS. Is there a compiler built into Wappler?

I’m thinking of using less.js instead of the standard CSS (or maybe SASS or SCSS) but am new to this and wondering if there is any compiler functions built into Wappler? (especially now that Node.JS has arrived)

Or would i need to compile the files as per normal outside of Wappler?


Have a look at

ok thanks Ben i’ll check it out… sounds like though you’re saying that you’d need to use a compiler, such as Gulp (that you seem to use in this video)

I am using prepros (SASS, LESS) for this, and works great.

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Yes it turned out to be super simple. Can’t even remember how I installed it…but compiling the less was as simple as running 1 line the terminal.

I got pretty good at typing out lessc master.less master.css :grin:

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@t11, tell me, please, how can I combine several JS and CSS files into one using Prepros?

I used to use prepros and was quite happy with it, but since VSCode got a live Sass compiler extension – Live Sass Compiler – I do all my Sass on VSCode.

You can leave the normal ‘style.css’ attached if you use Wappler / Bootstrap styles and just add the compiled css file (e.g. 'my-style.css) below it. Otherwise, if you don’t use styles in Wappler and do everything in sass, you might as well just have the one css file.

EDIT: I just noticed this is an old post. Never mind, the info remains the same.

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