Theme Manager: Paragraphs not picking up font

I have set my fonts in the theme manager and all seems to work as it should except for paragraphs. They are still the default arial font.

How do I set paragraph fonts? If I remove the <p> tags and just have the text it works fine.

Hello Brad, when you change the Base Font option, it changes the fonts of the text, paragraphs etc.

Screenshot 2021-09-03 at 10.53.13

I do have it set there but paragraphs are being ignored.

Screen Shot 2021-09-03 at 8.58.20 AM

So are you sure you haven’t overwritten paragraphs style in your custom CSS? You can check this when inspecting it the browser dev tools.

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Don’t forget that you need to rebuild the theme after any wappler update.

Doh! What a bone head. Yes, I had it in my custom CSS file before Theme manager was available. Now I feel dumb. lol

Thanks Teodor!

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