Theme manager is not working, unable to make any changes on application

I apologize in advance because I’m sure this is a newbie mistake. Theme manger is not making any stylistic changes. Is it because I’m using bootstrap 4? If I changed my project now to Boostrap 5 would all my progress be lost?

I’ve tried reading through the documentation but that picture links are possibly down?

I also tried reading through past questions but still can’t seem to make it work. :sweat_smile:

Bootstrap 4 is my design framework and it is also showing as bootstrap 4 local in my settings.

The preview button works and shows how the colors would look but if I click the rocket/update ect. nothing changes.

Please check the docs again.

Thanks. It seems to be working, I think I figured out why it’s not updating… The page I was trying to update the them just has “body” is the app structure.

The pages that update have “app”


OK so the page I’m trying to update is a content page, I cant change it to a layout page… could this be my problem?

Probably your page does not have app connect and/or bootstrap included.