Theme Manager doesn't honour Headings Weight

Wappler Version : 4.0.1
Operating System : Win 10 Pro
Server Model: NodeJS

defined in theme manager:

we can see that Manrope:600 was added as well

but in the H tags and classes, 500 weight is applied.

this is how the default page looks like

after manually changing font weight on browser level, we can see that 600 is indeed heavier

tried with other fonts like Sora as well. similar results.
Theme Manager does not honour the weight defined for Headings.
Please fix.

With the font setting you are actually setting just the font.

For the line weight maybe there is another setting in the advanced options or check how bootstrap recommends to do it.

Wappler provides a weight selector, that selected weight is also shown in the prev screenshot, so i assumed that it will also be honoured.
also, weight selected for BODY was honoured, ref:

and it also brings in the specific weight in the bootstrap local CSS file, ref:

workaround is rather simple - adding a separate entry in style.CSS (any custom CSS file) to overwrite the weight. or manually change the bootstrap CSS file from outside of Wappler (but it will get overwritten next time you use theme manager).

i think this is not the intended function - chosen weight must have been updated in the bootstrap CSS for Headings.

am referring to font weight, not the line weight.

The font weight is already included in the font you select with the width, so there should be no need for separate font weigh setting.

Check maybe how similar google fonts are normally included.

Theme Manager is not updating the bootstrap.min.css file for h1, h2, etc. tags with the correct font weight. It always updates with 500 irrespective of what is selected in the theme manager ui.

I manually changed it to 600 in the CSS file - browser honours that and can see the font getting bold.

Theme manager needs to fix how it updates the bootstrap.min.css file or change how it informs the bootstrap system about this update of the font weight. Coz the CSS file is not properly updated when changes made from theme manager.

I see, will investigate

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Bumping this request.

Could the problem be because the font you've selected is a variable font? I don't think Wappler supports variable fonts, which is a great pity. Variable fonts have cropped up in a few threads, but I think there could be some confusion about whether or not they have been implemented - eg in this thread:

i was trying this with Manrope - which is a variable font.

but the selected weight was 600 - which is a standard weight - and that weight was selected from Wappler UI itself. still it did not work.

I realise you were trying with this (variable) font. The UI doesn’t differentiate between standard and variable fonts. In the case of variable fonts, I wouldn’t have thought it makes sense to choose the weight - as you have to, using the Theme Manager.