Theme Manager - and uploading to remote sever

Hello. Testing the Theme manager using BS5 local for static site. DOing testing on Server/None. It’s doing everything I could wish for but in some of my testing Wappler has generated DMX Bootstrap5 theme folder containing dmxBoostrap5Theme.js and a Do I need those if I am uploading to a remote server not using variables - just basic themes. Thanks

Not sure by your post what the problem or question is but you should be using the Wappler Publish tool to make sure all relevant files get uploaded.

Sorry Brad. Simple question is do I need the DMX Boostrap5Theme.js and files in my project folder if I am only using the Basic module in Theme Manager. (I am asking about these because during my testing (on Server/None) they DID show up. But I was playing around with Theme Manager advanced at that point.

If it’s included in your pages head section then, yes, you need it.

What exactly is the problem you are having?

No there is nothing in my pages head section. There is nothing in my DMX connect folder in my project files. But the new colours and fonts and sizes etc ARE workiing when I preview in my browser using Server/None.
I just don’t want to upload the changed Colour Manager themes to the live site and find they don’t work because of the absence of these DMX files,. Whatever, Wappler doesn’t seem to be creating them for me if I only use Basic in Theme Manager. ?? They SEEM to only be needed if I use variables inside Advanced Theme Manager? ( which was what I was doing when I was playing around) .I can’t test any of this on the remote /live site because I am wanting to get the site build locally first.

dmxBoostrap5Theme.js has nothing to do with the Theme Manager panel.
This is used for the Dark/Light theme switcher component:

The changes made by the Theme Manager are only to the /bootstrap/5/css/bootstrap.min.css file.