The add chat article seems to be outdated

I’ve been following the real time chat example, have reached a dead end it seems. When I add my first “step” it shows no input parameters beneath emit properties. just completely blank. Was there an update that changed the way the program works, or is it broken? can’t find anything in the articles that addresses this directly. Having detailed documentation is great, but deprecated tutorials will definitely frustrate and turn away alot of users, especially those that aren’t that code saavy who need the tutorials to really start playing with it. Building a Real Time Chat Application

Am I missing something?

Hi, welcome to the community!

You should add the parameters into the “chat_message” socket that you selected

Nothing has changed in the way you create a realtime chat since the tutorial was created. Just make sure to follow it step by step.

Try restart Wappler. The properties will appear after the restart.